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- <title>
- The Fund For Free Expression
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- <hdr>
- Human Rights Watch World Report 1992
- Human Rights Watch: The Fund for Free Expression
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p> The Fund for Free Expression is the only one of the six
- divisions of Human Rights Watch focused not on a region but on
- a theme--freedom of expression around the world and in the
- United States. In 1991, the Fund expanded its program to:
- </p>
- <p>-- emphasize the relationship between censorship and global
- social problems.
- </p>
- <p>-- investigate and analyze restrictions on freedom of
- expression in the United States.
- </p>
- <p>-- work with the regional divisions of Human Rights Watch and
- other organizations on freedom of expression issues around the
- world.
- </p>
- <p>-- campaign against human rights abuses involving the academic
- community.
- </p>
- <p>The Fund also administered a second round of grants, made
- possible by a legacy from writers Lillian Hellman and Dashiell
- Hammett, to writers around the world who have been victimized
- by political persecution.
- </p>
- <p>Censorship and Global Problems
- </p>
- <p> The Fund emphasizes the connection between freedom of
- expression and global social problems such as AIDS, famine and
- environmental degradation to establish that censorship and
- information policies are important elements in the debate about
- these issues. The first such global study, Off Limits:
- Censorship and Corruption, was published in July. It documents
- the extent to which a taboo topic for the press in many
- countries is the wealth accumulated by heads of state--and
- their families and associates--during their terms in office.
- Corrupt regimes resort to censorship about their own self-
- enrichment because they realize that their very maintenance in
- office is at stake: widespread anger over revelations of
- corruption played a major role in the downfall of the regime of
- Erich Honecker in East Germany and the Tiananmen Square
- uprising in China. The report examines the means by which
- information is kept from public scrutiny through case studies
- of six countries around the world, including the bribery of
- government critics in Zaire, a climate of self-censorship in
- Paraguay, and expulsions of foreign correspondents in Indonesia.
- </p>
- <p> In the first half of 1992, the Fund will publish two other
- thematic reports. One concerns the censorship of minority
- languages around the world--including the movement to
- establish English as the official language of the United States.
- The other, undertaken in cooperation with the Natural Resources
- Defense Council, will be a series of case studies on the
- persecution and harassment of individuals and organizations
- working to protect the environment in a number of countries.
- </p>
- <p>Freedom of Expression and the Gulf War
- </p>
- <p> The Fund played an important role in documenting, analyzing
- and challenging restrictions on freedom of expression imposed
- in connection with the war in the Persian Gulf. The U.S.
- Defense Department imposed severe curbs on the right of the news
- media to cover military operations. Reporters were required to
- travel in "pools" accompanied by military escorts, and to submit
- all dispatches for advance review by a military censor. In
- apparent deference to Saudi Arabia, the staging ground for
- allied operations, the Pentagon censored publications sent to
- U.S. troops in the Gulf, limited what they could say or write
- about a variety of topics, and impeded their freedom to engage
- in Jewish and Christian worship.
- </p>
- <p> On January 10, the Fund, joined by six other U.S. anti-
- censorship organizations, wrote to Defense Secretary Richard
- Cheney to express opposition to the new rules, arguing that no
- case had been made for the imposition of more onerous
- restrictions than were in place during the entire Vietnam War,
- when reporters could travel freely on their own and file
- reports without submitting them to military censors. The letter
- asserted that "it is precisely in times of national crisis such
- as war that the freedom of the press and the public's right to
- know, on which our constitutional system of self-government
- depends, becomes most vital." The Fund also participated as
- amicus curiae in the lawsuit The Nation Magazine v. U.S.
- Department of Defense, a challenge to the constitutionality of
- these rules.
- </p>
- <p> Shortly before the onset of the war, the Federal Bureau of
- Investigation (FBI) began to interview Arab-American
- individuals and organizational officials, ostensibly to gather
- information about possible terrorist activity in the United
- States. These interviews were widely criticized by Arab-American
- groups and civil rights and liberties organizations, including
- the Fund, which in a January 15 letter to Attorney General
- Richard Thornburgh argued that "such an approach presumes the
- disloyalty of millions of Arab-Americans and persons of Arab
- origin lawfully residing in the United States, and has a
- chilling effect on their rights to take part in the public
- debate over the appropriateness of U.S. actions in the Persian
- Gulf."
- </p>
- <p> On January 28, less than two weeks after the start of the
- war, the Fund issued a newsletter, "Freedom of Expression and
- the War," which analyzed the Pentagon's press restrictions and
- policies affecting speech and expression by military personnel,
- and the FBI's questioning of Arab-Americans. On February 27,
- the Fund issued a supplement, "Managed News, Stifled Views."
- Among the abuses documented by the Fund newsletters were the
- detention at gunpoint of reporters who attempted to leave the
- official press pools and excessive delays in approving material
- submitted for prior security reviews or excision of material
- that was embarrassing to the military.
- </p>
- <p> The Fund also criticized other governments for managing the
- news to maintain or manufacture consensus for their role in the
- war. Iraq imposed government escorts on foreign correspondents,
- and censors monitored and screened their reports before
- transmission. No foreign journalist was permitted to visit
- Kuwait from the August 2 invasion until after the cease-fire.
- Saudi Arabia banned or censored all foreign publications, with
- particular attention to articles that mentioned civilian
- bombing casualties or were deemed to favor the Palestine
- Liberation Organization. Egypt, Morocco and Turkey--the other
- principal U.S. allies in the region which backed the coalition's
- war effort in the face of substantial popular opposition--moved to disguise the extent of their role and to quash dissent.
- </p>
- <p> Turkish state television, for example, used much of CNN's
- material on the war, but when the coverage turned to such
- matters as U.S. strikes at Iraq from Turkish bases or the
- shortage of gas masks in Turkey, programming was interrupted
- for a "commercial break" or footage of a scenic waterfall.
- Raids from Turkish air bases were never mentioned in any
- official statement or on state television or radio.
- </p>
- <p> The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights reported that as
- many as two hundred political activists and students were
- detained in Egypt. Israel closed press offices in its occupied
- territories and arrested the Palestinian writer and peace
- activist Sari Nusseibeh on "spying" charges which were widely
- believed to be spurious. Fearing mass protests, King Hassan of
- Morocco ordered sports events canceled and schools closed, and
- threatened agitators with trials by military tribunals. The
- newest U.S. ally, Syria, detained eighty writers and
- intellectuals for expressing support for Iraq.
- </p>
- <p> In Great Britain, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
- blocked a documentary on the export to Iraq of British-built
- superguns, on the grounds that the "tone is wrong." France
- banned the distribution, publication or sale of three
- publications deemed pro-Iraq, on the grounds that they "defend
- interests that are contrary to France's interests" concerning
- the war, and expelled one of the editors. The Australian
- Broadcasting Corporation faced a government inquiry following
- complaints from Prime Minister Bob Hawke about its war coverage.
- </p>
- <p> Virtually every country with a significant Muslim
- population, whether or not it was a party to the Gulf War,
- cracked down on dissent. Anti-war demonstrations were banned in
- Djibouti and Sri Lanka, and peaceful protesters were met with
- police violence in Nigeria and Pakistan. Tunisia and Algeria
- went one step further and expelled foreign reporters who had
- arrived to cover anti-war protests.
- </p>
- <p>U.S. Free Expression Issues
- </p>
- <p> As a U.S.-based free speech group which is a component of an
- international human rights organization, the Fund attempts to
- bring a worldwide perspective to bear on American civil
- liberties issues. For example, a newsletter issued in June,
- "Secret Trials in America?," compared the Bush Administration's
- proposal for secret courts to try suspected alien "terrorists"
- with similar provisions in other countries criticized by the
- State Department in its annual human rights report.
- </p>
- <p> The Fund also issued several other reports on U.S. free
- expression issues:
- </p>
- <p>-- In September, "SLAPPing Down Critics" documented the use of
- harassment libel suits and tort actions to intimidate community
- and public interest organizations.
- </p>
- <p>-- In October, "The Supreme Court and Free Speech" analyzed the
- erosion of free speech protection in two important decisions of
- the Court's 1990-91 term: Barnes v. Glen Theatre, in which the
- Court cited public order and morality concerns to justify a
- state's ban on expressive activity (in this case, nude
- dancing); and Rust v. Sullivan, in which the Court upheld a
- federal regulation barring government-funded family-planning
- clinics from mentioning the availability of abortion as an
- option.
- </p>
- <p>-- In December, "Muzzling Student Journalists" documented the
- rise in censorship of the student press since the Supreme
- Court's 1988 decision in Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier, which
- permitted school administrations to restrict student speech on
- the basis of "legitimate pedagogical concerns."
- </p>
- <p> The Fund participated in a coalition of groups working to
- overturn the "gag rule" on abortion advice in federally funded
- family planning clinics. In May, continuing its long-standing
- concern with protecting "free trade in ideas," the Fund joined
- Helsinki Watch in writing to Congress on behalf of legislation
- to remove from the Immigration and Naturalization Service's
- "lookout list" persons who were listed solely because of their
- political beliefs.
- </p>
- <p>Joint Projects with Regional Divisions of Human Rights Watch
- and Other Groups
- </p>
- <p> The Fund expanded its work with the regional divisions of
- Human Rights Watch on certain reports and projects relating to
- freedom of expression. In October, the Fund joined Helsinki
- Watch in releasing Restricted Subjects: Freedom of Expression
- in the United Kingdom. In November, the Fund joined Africa
- Watch and the PEN American Center in sponsoring a panel
- discussion, "Challenging the Politics of Despair: Writers and
- Human Rights in Africa." The Fund and Africa Watch are
- preparing, for publication in 1992, a major report documenting
- limits on literary freedom in Africa. Also in November, with
- the International Freedom to Publish Committee of the
- Association of American Publishers, the Fund issued a
- newsletter, "The Threat Against Salman Rushdie: 1,000 Days
- Later." With Americas Watch, the Fund is preparing a report
- documenting limits on freedom of expression in Miami's Cuban
- exile community.
- </p>
- <p>Committee for International Academic Freedom
- </p>
- <p> The Fund organized and launched a new committee of Human
- Rights Watch, the Committee for International Academic Freedom,
- to protest human rights abuses involving academics. In contrast
- to writers, journalists, scientists, physicians and other
- professional disciplines, teachers and scholars lack a group to
- focus on their human rights problems. Yet, educators are
- heavily represented among the world's political detainees, and
- universities are at special risk from most repressive regimes.
- The Committee for International Academic Freedom will send
- letters and cables of concern to governments on behalf of
- imprisoned or harassed academics, and oppose censorship and the
- closing of universities for political reasons. Four university
- presidents--Jonathan Fanton of the New School for Social
- Research, Vartan Gregorian of Brown University, Hanna Holborn
- Gray of the University of Chicago, and Charles Young of the
- University of California at Los Angeles--took the lead in
- forming this new group. In addition to providing support for
- endangered scholars in other countries, the committee will keep
- the U.S. academic community informed about human rights abuses
- against their peers, and encourage academics to take a greater
- role in defending the rights of their colleagues worldwide.
- Among the subjects of the committee's first protests were
- police attacks on peaceful student demonstrators in Zimbabwe,
- the firing of four academics and the detention of two student
- leaders in Tanzania, and the extrajudicial execution of two
- architecture students in Guatemala.
- </p>
- <p>Hellman/Hammett Grants to Persecuted Writers
- </p>
- <p> The Fund also administers grants to writers in financial
- need as a result of political persecution, under the terms of
- legacies from the writers Lillian Hellman and Dashiell Hammett.
- In 1991, the second year of this program, twenty-one grants
- generally of $10,000 each--were made. Among the recipients
- were Alaa Hamed, an Egyptian novelist facing blasphemy charges;
- Petre Mihai Bacanu, a Romanian editor sentenced to prison by
- the regime of Nicolae Ceaucescu and harassed under the new
- government; Byron Barrera Ortiz, a Guatemalan journalist forced
- to flee the country after a death squad wounded him and killed
- his wife; and Zargana, a Burmese satirist serving a five-year
- prison term for his political commentary. Grants were also made
- to writers from Argentina, China (3), Iran, Liberia, Malawi,
- Peru, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Togo, Turkey (2), the United
- States (3) and Vietnam. In addition to these annual grants, for
- which nominations are solicited in the fall and decisions
- announced early in the following year, smaller amounts are
- available from a special emergency fund.
- </p>
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